L-SAT is not easy for scammers like Junaid Kayani to Pass. I can bet $100,000 dollars that this SOB can not even answer 10 questions as he is a liar head to toe. All people like Junaid Kayani know is how to rob people as they are trained in 3rd world countries and brought up and brainwashed at an early age with haterad for people that are not from their background. Plus Canada trusts these unethical people more than average people. Real scammers in Canada are lawyers and any time a person speaks against a lawyer that case should be made public and public trial must be held. These Unethical Lawyers damage children, damage families, spread hatred and abuse the system as they know the system inside out.
Canada allows these people with a Gutter mentality like Junaid Kayani to be a Lawyers are as a Key to a great Society. Lawyers like Arif Raza, Said Mohammedally, Junaid Kayani. Junaid, is Canada's finest WHITE COLLAR gamer. Junaid Kayani is really a criminal person that fools people by calling them to his offices. Especially if the person is not from their Background.
Steal Properties, why buy? This is Junaid Kayani Recipe in Canada. Call simple people to his offices via his Customer that are part of his gang and take their property for free and make his country People from Pakistan rich. Steal from Indians and other Kaffirs. ( A gang of People helping each other and taking things from others for Free. Get Rich for Free )
So easy to steal properties in Ontario as a Gang Member, with Formula of Junaid Kayani Lawyer, Adnan Hashmi Realtor, and friends.
Collect rent for a landlord and show that as your payments for the Purchase of the House. Abuse people as its OK , others are not Human Beings.
Junaid Kayani knows how to fool courts by forging documents. Junaid Kayani possibly a Lawyer with some sort of degree from Pakistan, Is able to rob people very easily as courts do not see if the funds are paid or not or every if there is any contracts or all is just a Hook to catch a house for free.
- Most of the Low Life Lawyers in Canada are not from Canada. They are lawyers that can not pass the LSAT exam and are from 3rd world countries.
- These Low life lawyers get a fake degree from Pakistan and work under a Lawyers in Canada for a year and then are allowed to practice law ( unlike doctors from 3rd world countries ) and start fooling people in Canada. These are scammers low life lawyers. Today Junaid Kayani lawyers can not do LSAT 10 questions. Lawyers are not filtered in Canada like Doctors are from overseas.
He just wanted my presence in his offices and wanted to make copies of my ID's just to show the courts that this person was in his offices and all rest was a story that Junaid Kayani had preplanned to rob Mr. Singh. Game of Kayani was way more advanced criminally and the only trial will bring out his true colors to the Canadian Justice System.
Justice William Hourigan in Kayani LLP v. The Toronto-Dominion Bank
This case had been a game to fool the entire Canadian banking system.
Kayani v. Toronto-Dominion Bank, 2014 ONCA 862 (CanLII)
Thanks GOD, for Justice William Hourigan, who was able to visualize at least part of the game of Juniad Kayani, if not the whole game Junaid Kayani, played with the banks, Legal Community with a fake company and fake bank drafts. Fraud from head to toe by Kayani and gang. No one else in Canada has mind to do such frauds. NO ONE.
Lawyer like Junaid Kayani, who fools every one with fake signature and fake money, how can he be fooled, unless he was the main artist of the play the game, and if a CRIMINAL shows him self as a victim which JUDGE will suspect Junaid Kayani as the Game's Coach.
Police has to provide full report on where did the money travel to, from the accounts of the Nithiyakalyaani Jeweller, after it got monies from Kayani for being fake company at right time and right place. Follow the money ........
" How do courts know that the fake drafts were not made by Junaid Kayani, like fake date added in my documents by Kayani, when I was not even in Canada."
How many real estate transactions are done by Fake Drafts in Canada every years. Possibly 0. They why was this such an transactions.
" How does courts know when and how was the payments handed to the later called fake company, and how did this company know where and how to pick up the monies. "
Total Profit to the PAPER GANG: $ 400,000 + free property = million dollars.
Loss of Paper GANG: Banks did not give the $ 200,000 extra for paperwork's filed in courts.
Investment OF Paper Gang : Knowledge of Paperwork's.
Motive and Belief: A very tight network of people Originally from Punjab, Pakistan that believes in taking things for free.
There is no conversion done in any accounts. Bank does not convert and has never converted money and negligence is on part of the one writing the check, ( may be its, but absolutely right name per the scam ). The main crime is double dip - 1 ) Kayani & Team, took money as another person 2) trying to take money again via blaming the banks.
How can funds be sent to wrong person?
Mis-spelled name happens, but sending money, wiring it to wrong person is a biggest most thought crime and Canada, will one day un-cover if it wills to go to the bottom of this scam by Kayani and company. As in reality very thing is per plan. The Justice at the superior courts missed to ask Mr. Kayani, how he handed what he calls a wrong check to the wrong person.
Even if check was sent by couriers or mail how did this fake Jeweler's get access to the building on Gerrard.
Which lawyer does not call the bank to verify drafts ( in-coming ) for a fast sale. And how was check delivered to the hands of the FAKE company ( out-going ). This deal from head to toe is a scam.
Some very cunning con artists must have come up with this term conversion. In Pakistan, its called, " iski toopi uskee sar ". Put your troubles in other people's head first by filing a case against them.
(5) Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer.
Fictitious from eternity and not one that was there for a few days and then was asked to leave Canada and go back to the country of origin, that is called " FRAUD ".
If banks can bring this Alaudeen Shaik back to Ontario from where ever would give a glimpse of the total gang activities. Why is Alaudeen Shaik, not in top 10 wanted people in Canada?
Courts should look at the background of - Realtor ( both buyer and seller ) , buyer background, finance company ( date of registration and total finances done ) and their link to Mr. Kayani in the past.
How come these things do not happen on a daily basis since Canada was made there must have been millions of houses sold.
Why it just happens when two or more Pakistani Origin People are involved in a transaction. These are real estate bandits who know how far Superior Courts Judges can think and Judges never take the whole picture into the considerations. Yes the point is, " Fictitious payee
But who are the team players, for the fictitious Payee. Yes a goal of stealing $400,000 bank is done without robbing the bank, but there are still players in this game.
Buyer, Finance company and Mr. Kayani are 100% involved this is evident upon reading the submissions. Now bank and other lawyer were also fooled by Mr. Kayani this can be easily understood with some investigation, linking event and finding and missing man Alaudeen Shaik, and bringing him to Canada.
This CONverSION is to CON all the "Global banking system" from metric to PAKtrick.
Let me run and deposit an check for $10 million in my accounts today, since bank's have started to do CONverSION for a piece of paper, and you can sue bank if you misspell. Your mistakes and bank will pay you back the monies. Sorry sir, you wrote wrong spelling when you paid out $9 million, please write another check with correct spelling and we can also send you for spelling courses if you like sir.
Don't worry about $9 million that went to mrs Kayani llc from your account, as you meant to write to mr. Kayani llc, and since mrs Kayani llc, had fled to Pakistan, we will credit your account with another $9 million meanwhile.
Kayani is playing with the banks. Tomorrow banks should not cash any checks with correct names also, as day after tomorrow they might be wrong names or non existing entity.
Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd, how did the payments from Lawyers go to fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers. This clearly shows a major crime. How can fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers, even know when and where to pick up the monies and if it knew then fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers was in bed with Mr. Kayani.
As this fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers, knew when to register a company, where to open an account, name to use "Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers", when to pick up the check, where to pick up checks and lot more. Lawyers usually wire or deposit the checks themselves into the accounts of the sellers and taking instruction from buyers' finance company makes no sense. Judges in Canada are too innocent and that is why these gangs of Kayani and the company keep on doing white-collar crimes to anyone and everyone.
IS This crime done by Alaudeen Shaik, possibly not alone and not without help of some one that knows every point of the Law.
1. Who is very aware of criminal activities
2. Has a flare to get things for free and monies for free
3. The person that is possibly sneaky and Knowledgeable person in the Legal
4. A person who will also show another honorable person as victim to take a cover under his/her shield.
5. A mastermind person will ask someone to throw two stones, one at say very respected person and one at himself, by one of his friend. This way no one will ever suspects and world will look for stone-thrower and mastermind will get sympathy from world.
6. Does court think that Alaudeen Shaik, was one day in a taxi and thought of fooling Kayani and another Lawyer for $400,000.00. A BIG NO NO !! Courts have to see whose back ground fits more for the Job and a full PUBLIC trial should be ordered for this matter. Some Lawyers in Canada think they are running the country as Lawyer are trusted and protected too much in Canada as saints.
Junaid Kayani is such a person with my first-hand experience with him that, "He can take CN Tower for Ontario Government for free one day".
TD Bank should investigate this to full degree and does TD Bank think some person like Alaudeen Shaik, can legally think through this possibly fraud. Was Alaudeen Shaik a real person, was Alaudeen Shaik may be ( Mr Bhatti or Mr. X ) a person that was used by some one like a smart Lawyer and paid off some monies.
1. It would be wise to put people on Lie Detector Tests.
2. Possibly, Mr. K, took the money and was main player to fool Banks and every one.
3. Why would, some from non-Hindu background to make a company with Hindu Name. This clearly shows that this was a well-thought fraud and has a smell of Junaid Kayani as the key person behind this whole sham. JUNAID WILL SELL CN TOWER TO IMRAN KHAN FOR FREE.
4. I can also almost Guarantee, TD Canada, that Alaudeen Shaik is also a pawn or a friend or Junaid Kayani himself in this game of Junaid Kayani.
5. Have never seen a Pakistan Origin Person with a name, like Alaudeen Shaik, make a company with Hindu name ( Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers ), this was a planned fraud and possibly by Mr. K from step 1 to step 10. " Kalyani " means Kalyan to do good with feminine flavor. "Nithiya" means
dance or every day in South India or in Sri Lanka. No Pak Person will possibly, ever, name a company as NithiyaKalyaani unless he knew things will happen as calculated.
6. This is what was done - Junaid took the money from this fake company account and put it in his Pakistan Accounts. Mr. Kayani is fooling everyone and is very sad that I was not given a trial when I asked for it or Judges would have more ideas about this person's behavior for free monies.
7. Banks don't do the conversion, it was not converted from one currency to another. Even using the term conversion is a very smart way of Junaid Kayani to fool not just a Judge but a complete Canadian Legal System and global Banking System. By using term conversion Mr. Kayani is fooling these poor innocent Judges as if Metal was converted into parts.
7.1 If Mr Kayani, would have said I deposited draft without checking from a company I did not know or usually we take wire but in this case I agreed to take Draft. Then I went to a teller I use to buy coffee all the time and told em to not to put an hold and then it was bouncy bouncy draft. Then Judges would have told Mr. Kayani turn around and let me kick on your back.
7.2 No he used a term called conversion. Like he bribed a slim and poor white lady in the Land Titles offices to put a note on my title when the original note was not registered and thrown out. This poor lady that works in Land Title offices, i met her personally and was very scared and their offices said that note if not right and not per the law and they do not know why that employee put it without any reason.
7.3 When Mr. Kayani, went to the bank did he say I want to convert this draft to the teller or did he just deposit it. No bank every converts monies unless cash.
8. Conversion means you have no account in the Bank and you walk with $10000 cash. Ask banks to convert the $10000.00 Canadian, into USD or Euros. Or you walk in Bank give them Cash and Buy Gold. Depositing a fake check or not fake check, is a 100% liability of Junaid Kayani, he is wasting time of the courts and further fooling the system, by drafting very tricky words to fool innocent Judges. ALL TO AVOID HIS JAIL TERM SO HE IS NOT LINKED AS THE MAIN CRIMINAL IN THIS MATTER.
9.Junaid Kayani is using terms in front of Judges that do not understand banking like they did in my case by talking about repairs in house when nothing was done. Courts of Appeal did the right thing and made a decision for the matter in proper way in TD vs Kayani. In my case my A-hole lawyer ( Harjaap Mann of Mann Law ) lied in the Courts of Appeal, when they 3 Judges asked him did the other party walk out of the contracts.
8. If funds are deposited into accounts then how it be fictions. " (5) Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer."
Junaid Kayani, will take CN Tower for free one day also, if Canadian Judges do not open eyes to level of fraud these people commit and have done to many people, the will make CN tower fictitiously sold by a seller who no longer exists.
This complete Fraud ( of taking free property ) is done by Junaid Kayani and if I am given a chance i want to interview him on the TV about this matter also.
These people know like Kayani know how to pretend to be innocent lamb, while in reality they are the fox creating the whole drama and wasting TD Canada and Superior Courts of Ontario's time.
Master in Fooling Indian's, will only do such to non-pakistani person in Canada. Change dates. Forge Signature. Write Pages of contract per desire. He will do any thing for his Pakistani Brothers. IN Canada System does not care how team of people fool others. Even is stated in black and white to the Justice that pages were modified and no payments were made.
Master in Fooling Canadian Justice System and Judges, a Criminal, rather a Lawyer per my experience with Junaid Kayani, and motivated to bring down possibly, non-pakistani's people in Canada. Junaid Kayani of Pakistan Origin and all his Realtor, buyers are from His area of Origin.
A simple sellers, home is scooped by this Lawyers and that seller is not given any monies and instead a big legal fight.
Junaid Kayani abuses, his rights as a Lawyers in Canadian Society. Will scoop your house for free along with his group of realtors like Adnan Hashmi and Azeem Bhatti, without your knowing any thing.
They are lucky to be in Canada, where judges do not care about such crime. Any other proper democratic country that gives trial if asked. Junaid would be sitting in jail for 5 years.
Azeem and Junaid must have preplanned a first degree crime, when Azeem approached me to come to some lawyers offices. A proper lawyer's would write a letter to other party if a client approaches with an issues. They must have designed a evil plan how to trap this SIKH person and show him the real colours how smart our pakistan gang people are? Bearing false witness is a crime PER most of the religions. Azeem took $4000 from my one pocket and put it in my another pocket and called it his money.
13.d) In any interaction or talks between Mr. SINGH and Mr. Bhatti, from March 2009 Mr. Bhatti did not bring any mention of the Trust Agreements and so was it not mentioned in the original Statements of Claim as that agreement was never executed in full and Mr. SINGH and Mr. Bhatti and Junaid Kayani were well aware of that. This agreement was possibly dressed some times in November 2010 by Junaid Kayani and Mr. Bhatti and posted in Mail on 09-November-2010. Cover letter of the Trust Agreement and the first page is not what Mr. SINGH andA Sikh always thinks and does good to all Humanity.
As a SIKH is friend to all and all faiths and loves all Humanity as one. AND Serves all and never does wrong to any one willingly. But to prove any matter a fair trial is perquisite.
Their every action and every step is like a repeated dance and they know where exactly to put the next feet to take your house for free and make a simple house selling a nightmare for seller. Buy Shares not per the " BILL OF SALE ACT of Ontario " but per " NO BILL's ACT of PAKISTAN " Azeem Bhatti, Junaid Kayani, Adnan Hashmi, Tariq chaudhry all are gang members. For stealing things, fooling me. I have never in my life seen such complicated legally aware c-artists like Juanaid Kayani and Azeem Bhatti. Just enter his offices with his client and he will " HALAL " you. People say, "Its legal to be bad to a "Kafir" - ( kafir is non human being to be treated as not a Human being ) as per very few fanatics".
For any Foreign Educated Lawyers the - Litmus test is passing the LSAT. Litmus test is making a lawyer as filtered as a doctor. A doctor from India or Pakistan has to go through very retraining and same per my thinking should also be for a lawyers Junaid Kayani, signs dates stating that you were in his offices, when one was not. I never told me to get a lawyer and fooled me and gave me a hard life and torture for years. Does not ever tell you to get another lawyer as he is in a conflict of interest. An average people can not fight them in courts as they will not have monies and hence these people will take people's properties for free. Take over people's properties for free, dont pay rent, dont pay down payments, don't pay the mortgage, dont get a mortgage, dont do anything and walk away from the contract.
Adnan Hashmi, Made sure, other realtor, buyer, lawyer are all from his native country and close circle. I can also master mind and do such low life things to others, but since this was not engraved in my thinking since childhood, I can not do it even if I try to.
As an Indian we don't have that mind set and thinking.
They know legal system inside out and how to play games with people and occupy their properties. A law Firm of Raza Kayani, fooled me big time and took over shares in the house by Fraud. By not paying any monies at all. Counted same monies 3 times - once towards rental, then towards past dues of $5000 and then towards the first half of $22500 down payments.
First Azeem Mohammed Bhatti, try to buy my property with both agents as his good friends. Tariq chaudhry real estate and Adnan Hashmi, all three promised to pay $2000 once for long delays and $1000 once for not closing These group of people promised to pay $3000 on or before October 2008. Can someone pay a partial of agreed down payments for car plus not pay payments and own the car. Plus the partial $4000 of the total down payments of $32,500 is actually monies collected in rent and lied to the real owner's. Be very careful of people that have bad eyes on your things.
They want things for free. No monies free fund properties. Only people from Pakistan can think like this as they are too used to getting things for free and monies for free from USA and from India at the partition time.
Game was to take over house by hook or crooks and not by legally paying for the house. What is the loop hole that this lawyer used ( uses ) to get properties for free from others. Put a note on peoples title and scare them.
A gang of people from Lahore that make this happen as team 1. Junaia Kayani and Raza Kayani - Lawyers 2. Azeem Bhatti 3. Adnan Hashmi - Realtors ,Tariq chaudhry real estate http://www.chaudhrytariq.com RE/MAX REALTY ONE INC, Brokerage
4. PLUMBER and electricians and other agents all from Lahore. 5. A complete very aware group of people from Lahore. Lawyer, Sends forged documents after 10 months so people loose a track of all the papers and inserts one key forged paper in the bunch. Does not give any docs when people are in offices stating we are still talking on different points. Mix fake signature in all the other papers. A Master Criminal Gang from Lahore. Occupying properties. They first invite you to their office via their clients that they wish to pay you for 50% shares and that they need to do some paperworks to pay half of the mortgage and half of the sum of paperwork's and swiftly send you out of the offices soon. And stop communications with you. With stories and not real money the property belongs of Junaid Kayani , Lawyer and his associates. People offer to buy shares ( is illegal initself ), while they only have money for 2% or less. Some people do not have credit and any mortgage yet they want to take houses via help of crook lawyers. People like Junaid Kayani , the lawyers and group, will take over many houses as they have people in real estate that list houses, delay sales and tip their partners in private to take over the property. There is too much fraud being done by lawyers such as Junaid Kayani, by inserting fake dates, fake words, fake cover letters, fake every thing, by stating lies and people who are not stealing money but stealing trust. Its robbery with pen. http://www.citynews.ca/2006/10/18/mississauga-city-council-candidate-charged-with-impersonating-police-officer/
Steps of Actions Adnan Hashmi listed my house. Only and Only brought one buyer for purchase of the house for approx 10 months. His name is Azeem Bhatti. This Azeem works for Rogers with fake past resume. All companies that he states that he has worked in are all fake. Azeem and Adnan promised to pay me $2000 once and $1000 once for delayed purchase of sales. Azeem fooled me with sweet words and very caring tone. Wanted to work with me, use to clean my snow some times He and Adnan Hashmi, stated that house is sold to Azeem and that their lawyers will take the matter further and asked me to leave the house. Later Azeem signed a rental contracts with me and then few days later came up with the offer to buy 50% of my house via down payments and paying 50% of the mortgage. Nothing was done , lawyers of Azeem Bhatti, Raza Kayani ( Junaid Kayani ) first use a lady in their offices by the name of Eva McLeod to write a contract for Azeem and told me that she is a legal assistant and a "commissionaire of oaths" she is drafting the contracts per the law, where both the parties are protected as this is very high alert matter of real estate. Eva McLeod stated, "Mr. Singh, this is Canada, if Mr. Bhatti does not pay 50% of his down payments like on the this paper works and pay 50% of his dues for the mortgage you are able to charge him 3.5% on all the amounts due, 50% of total property". If the other party does not pay the dues or do the works agreed then all monies have to be paid back. Then she inserted a line stating, "ANY BALANCE NOT PAID WITH IN ONE YEAR WILL BE CHARGED AT 3.5 % " Basically was she was fooling me? She got her friend Azeem Bhatti a house worth 300,000 for literally 0 dollar she is a lawyer or works at a lawyers offices plus a Commissionaire of Oaths. I use to live in Toronto and Azeem Bhatti came to Toronto and took me to his lawyers offices in Toronto. I said to Azeem what would you like, he said I was a credit of say approx $8000 ( really only $1000 of works done ) for construction and I said what else, I deposited $3200 in your accounts ( which was not done ) and I he had a $5000 cashiers check ( he never paid on the 9th and said will deposit monies in banks and which he did for $2000 once, $1200 once and $800 once, and later told me 4 years down the road that was not not his monies but were collected from tenants per the rental contracts that he signed with me on December 23rd, 2008 ). Sure what else, I dont have any more money please help me with some credit, I can do some cement works in the back and do other works if not I give you the credit back. Being generous I gave him $6000 credit and he did not do one cents of works. What he says is done is fake receipts. Gave ( this evil Spirit ) another $10500 credit to help a person being nice and humble to this person. And gave him time to come up with the money for a year and after a year with 3.5 percent interests due on all, mortgage, $6000 or $10500 or any unconfirmed monies cashiers check not given and construction not done. When he could not do works and could not do any works on house and could not pay the dues he asked an out or exit contracts so he does not get hit with the 3.5% on mortgage and approx $32500 dues.
Canada allows these people with a Gutter mentality like Junaid Kayani to be a Lawyers are as a Key to a great Society. Lawyers like Arif Raza, Said Mohammedally, Junaid Kayani. Junaid, is Canada's finest WHITE COLLAR gamer. Junaid Kayani is really a criminal person that fools people by calling them to his offices. Especially if the person is not from their Background.
Steal Properties, why buy? This is Junaid Kayani Recipe in Canada. Call simple people to his offices via his Customer that are part of his gang and take their property for free and make his country People from Pakistan rich. Steal from Indians and other Kaffirs. ( A gang of People helping each other and taking things from others for Free. Get Rich for Free )
So easy to steal properties in Ontario as a Gang Member, with Formula of Junaid Kayani Lawyer, Adnan Hashmi Realtor, and friends.
Collect rent for a landlord and show that as your payments for the Purchase of the House. Abuse people as its OK , others are not Human Beings.
Junaid Kayani knows how to fool courts by forging documents. Junaid Kayani possibly a Lawyer with some sort of degree from Pakistan, Is able to rob people very easily as courts do not see if the funds are paid or not or every if there is any contracts or all is just a Hook to catch a house for free.
- Most of the Low Life Lawyers in Canada are not from Canada. They are lawyers that can not pass the LSAT exam and are from 3rd world countries.
- These Low life lawyers get a fake degree from Pakistan and work under a Lawyers in Canada for a year and then are allowed to practice law ( unlike doctors from 3rd world countries ) and start fooling people in Canada. These are scammers low life lawyers. Today Junaid Kayani lawyers can not do LSAT 10 questions. Lawyers are not filtered in Canada like Doctors are from overseas.
He just wanted my presence in his offices and wanted to make copies of my ID's just to show the courts that this person was in his offices and all rest was a story that Junaid Kayani had preplanned to rob Mr. Singh. Game of Kayani was way more advanced criminally and the only trial will bring out his true colors to the Canadian Justice System.
- PUT NOTE ON YOUR PROPERTY WITHOUT COURT ORDERS or without consent of the owner and by bribing people @ Land Titles offices in Peel Region
- Knows people in Land Title offices that put a note on your property with little bribery and without a court order or your consent.
- Confessed by PEEL TITLES OFFICES. ( a thin Caucasian girl working in PeelTitles, accepted her wrongdoing to me that put a note not in the Legal or Right Manner ).
- When his friend has not even paid monies, he called me to come to his offices and make fake papers
- A master con artist that only if he has balls on a lie Detector Tests or a Trial.
Justice William Hourigan in Kayani LLP v. The Toronto-Dominion Bank
This case had been a game to fool the entire Canadian banking system.
Kayani v. Toronto-Dominion Bank, 2014 ONCA 862 (CanLII)
Thanks GOD, for Justice William Hourigan, who was able to visualize at least part of the game of Juniad Kayani, if not the whole game Junaid Kayani, played with the banks, Legal Community with a fake company and fake bank drafts. Fraud from head to toe by Kayani and gang. No one else in Canada has mind to do such frauds. NO ONE.
Lawyer like Junaid Kayani, who fools every one with fake signature and fake money, how can he be fooled, unless he was the main artist of the play the game, and if a CRIMINAL shows him self as a victim which JUDGE will suspect Junaid Kayani as the Game's Coach.
- MONEY COMING IN WAS self made Cookies, DRAFT (GAME 1 TO FOOL for $400k ) ( to avoid Jail for Fraud over $5,000 380(1)(a) 10 yrs Prison )
- MONEY GOING OUT WAS TO a COMPANY - later called FAKE ( GAME 2 TO FOOL ) ( forgery that can result in 5 years in Prison again )
- SUING THE BANK TO GET MORE (FREE ) MONEY ( GAME 3 to show non-involvement so the Lawyers is not Put in Prison for involvement in Fraud )
How many more Fake Drafts were used by this group, how many more fake real estate transactions were done by this team. Courts have not seen this case yet. They are just on very surface of the ocean.
( why is the finance company and its owners, not named and charged for fake drafts and why are its owner, not listed as most wanted people in Canada ).
1. Where did the Fake, Jeweler's company move the money from their bank accounts?
2. Did they wire the MONEY ? - People need full disclosure on this matter.
3. How many people that are Punjabi Muslim Pakistani background have companies with an Tamil Hindu Name with deep Sanskrit words like Nithya-Kalyani ( do good daily ) Jwellers in the whole world ? Answer is: 0.
They they why did these people have it, WHY? And that also the company was formed not 10 years ago but per the plan @ right time.
4. Is this a Gang of Financial Criminal's that have confidence that Canadian Legal system can not figure our their crimes or Canada allows Lawyers to do crimes?
5. Why are most ex-Pakistani Army People are Realtor's in Ontario?
1. Where did the Fake, Jeweler's company move the money from their bank accounts?
2. Did they wire the MONEY ? - People need full disclosure on this matter.
3. How many people that are Punjabi Muslim Pakistani background have companies with an Tamil Hindu Name with deep Sanskrit words like Nithya-Kalyani ( do good daily ) Jwellers in the whole world ? Answer is: 0.
They they why did these people have it, WHY? And that also the company was formed not 10 years ago but per the plan @ right time.
4. Is this a Gang of Financial Criminal's that have confidence that Canadian Legal system can not figure our their crimes or Canada allows Lawyers to do crimes?
5. Why are most ex-Pakistani Army People are Realtor's in Ontario?
Jurisdiction & Number:
Creation Date:
Jurisdiction & Number:
Creation Date:
Police has to provide full report on where did the money travel to, from the accounts of the Nithiyakalyaani Jeweller, after it got monies from Kayani for being fake company at right time and right place. Follow the money ........
" How do courts know that the fake drafts were not made by Junaid Kayani, like fake date added in my documents by Kayani, when I was not even in Canada."
How many real estate transactions are done by Fake Drafts in Canada every years. Possibly 0. They why was this such an transactions.
" How does courts know when and how was the payments handed to the later called fake company, and how did this company know where and how to pick up the monies. "
Total Profit to the PAPER GANG: $ 400,000 + free property = million dollars.
Loss of Paper GANG: Banks did not give the $ 200,000 extra for paperwork's filed in courts.
Investment OF Paper Gang : Knowledge of Paperwork's.
Motive and Belief: A very tight network of people Originally from Punjab, Pakistan that believes in taking things for free.
![]() Lt. Col. Hari Singh of the India's 18th Cavalry posing outside a captured Pakistani police station (Barkee) in Lahore District. India Had occupied in 1965 war lahore and Further. India like myself was humble to these people and caring. I gave time, flixibility for Azeem to pay monies which he did not pay. There is saying do not trust a " sapola with milk ". Its my lesson and lesson to every Indian do not pity or help some one from Pakistan Origin. Not all people are same but this group of People are mastermind criminals. | Junaid Kayani ( in YouTube video ) at AN event of Pakistan Ex Pakistan Military Celebrating fake victory over India. My suspicion was right Junaid Kayani, is anti-Indian's, and this group is ANTI Canada, Per Tariq Fatah, a media person in Canada, and that is why this Lawyer went out of his way to scam property from an Indian Family as he also ( wanted to but ) failed to scam the TD BANK's for over $400,000.00. |
There is no conversion done in any accounts. Bank does not convert and has never converted money and negligence is on part of the one writing the check, ( may be its, but absolutely right name per the scam ). The main crime is double dip - 1 ) Kayani & Team, took money as another person 2) trying to take money again via blaming the banks.
How can funds be sent to wrong person?
Mis-spelled name happens, but sending money, wiring it to wrong person is a biggest most thought crime and Canada, will one day un-cover if it wills to go to the bottom of this scam by Kayani and company. As in reality very thing is per plan. The Justice at the superior courts missed to ask Mr. Kayani, how he handed what he calls a wrong check to the wrong person.
- Some Punjabi Pakistani had a dream to make a company with Tamil name called NK jewelers, BUT where did Mr. Kayani meet NK to give the $400,000.00? - did Kayani go to Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers, with an address of 1487 Gerrard Street East in Toronto
- How is it possible for a fake Person ( or NK jewelers ) to be at the right time and right place to pick up the check? Why is NK Jewelers not a fake company today or even 2 years before the transactions was this all an arranged scam to fool Canadian Judges and Banking System? IS NK( Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers ) AND JK ( Junaid Kayani ) same entity.
Even if check was sent by couriers or mail how did this fake Jeweler's get access to the building on Gerrard.
Which lawyer does not call the bank to verify drafts ( in-coming ) for a fast sale. And how was check delivered to the hands of the FAKE company ( out-going ). This deal from head to toe is a scam.
Some very cunning con artists must have come up with this term conversion. In Pakistan, its called, " iski toopi uskee sar ". Put your troubles in other people's head first by filing a case against them.
(5) Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer.
Fictitious from eternity and not one that was there for a few days and then was asked to leave Canada and go back to the country of origin, that is called " FRAUD ".
If banks can bring this Alaudeen Shaik back to Ontario from where ever would give a glimpse of the total gang activities. Why is Alaudeen Shaik, not in top 10 wanted people in Canada?
The Question is did Kayani pre think this crime? YES, he DID 100 %. And I can prove that on TV or Live Interview.
Ontraio Courts Statement, " The trial judge had held that the plaintiffs believed that an entity called Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers (with or without the “Ltd.”) existed and that it was located at the address where Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd. had previously operated. On this basis, she held that Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd. was the entity the plaintiffs intended to pay. Consequently, the payee was neither fictitious, nor non-existing, and TD Bank had no defense under subs. 20(5).y".
Actually, he has already stated that in the courts, that he was connected to this crime. But Courts overlooked it. Kayani said he always intended to pay ONLY to Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers so never intended to pay to Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers LTD.
To pay the money you not just need a name, you need to know the banking, account holders' home address, owner's name and tons more.
Ontraio Courts Statement, " The trial judge had held that the plaintiffs believed that an entity called Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers (with or without the “Ltd.”) existed and that it was located at the address where Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd. had previously operated. On this basis, she held that Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd. was the entity the plaintiffs intended to pay. Consequently, the payee was neither fictitious, nor non-existing, and TD Bank had no defense under subs. 20(5).y".
- Did he call someone to his offices to pick check,
- Did he go any deposit or wire monies to the Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers
- 411 search is fake as anyone can list a company online.
- If the check was delivered, was this fake company waiting on that day and time of property closing for the draft. If it was then that proves its a pure team works.
- Why did this person not register a company 10 years ago or now, why at the right time and right place, why? Was Alaudeen Shaik = Junaid Kayani. How do you know that Alaudeen Shaik is not Junaid Kayani?
Actually, he has already stated that in the courts, that he was connected to this crime. But Courts overlooked it. Kayani said he always intended to pay ONLY to Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers so never intended to pay to Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers LTD.
To pay the money you not just need a name, you need to know the banking, account holders' home address, owner's name and tons more.
How come these things do not happen on a daily basis since Canada was made there must have been millions of houses sold.
Why it just happens when two or more Pakistani Origin People are involved in a transaction. These are real estate bandits who know how far Superior Courts Judges can think and Judges never take the whole picture into the considerations. Yes the point is, " Fictitious payee
(5) Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer.
- R.S., c. B-5, s. 21. '".
But who are the team players, for the fictitious Payee. Yes a goal of stealing $400,000 bank is done without robbing the bank, but there are still players in this game.
Buyer, Finance company and Mr. Kayani are 100% involved this is evident upon reading the submissions. Now bank and other lawyer were also fooled by Mr. Kayani this can be easily understood with some investigation, linking event and finding and missing man Alaudeen Shaik, and bringing him to Canada.
This CONverSION is to CON all the "Global banking system" from metric to PAKtrick.
Let me run and deposit an check for $10 million in my accounts today, since bank's have started to do CONverSION for a piece of paper, and you can sue bank if you misspell. Your mistakes and bank will pay you back the monies. Sorry sir, you wrote wrong spelling when you paid out $9 million, please write another check with correct spelling and we can also send you for spelling courses if you like sir.
Don't worry about $9 million that went to mrs Kayani llc from your account, as you meant to write to mr. Kayani llc, and since mrs Kayani llc, had fled to Pakistan, we will credit your account with another $9 million meanwhile.
Kayani is playing with the banks. Tomorrow banks should not cash any checks with correct names also, as day after tomorrow they might be wrong names or non existing entity.
Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers Ltd, how did the payments from Lawyers go to fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers. This clearly shows a major crime. How can fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers, even know when and where to pick up the monies and if it knew then fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers was in bed with Mr. Kayani.
As this fake Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers, knew when to register a company, where to open an account, name to use "Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers", when to pick up the check, where to pick up checks and lot more. Lawyers usually wire or deposit the checks themselves into the accounts of the sellers and taking instruction from buyers' finance company makes no sense. Judges in Canada are too innocent and that is why these gangs of Kayani and the company keep on doing white-collar crimes to anyone and everyone.
IS This crime done by Alaudeen Shaik, possibly not alone and not without help of some one that knows every point of the Law.
1. Who is very aware of criminal activities
2. Has a flare to get things for free and monies for free
3. The person that is possibly sneaky and Knowledgeable person in the Legal
4. A person who will also show another honorable person as victim to take a cover under his/her shield.
5. A mastermind person will ask someone to throw two stones, one at say very respected person and one at himself, by one of his friend. This way no one will ever suspects and world will look for stone-thrower and mastermind will get sympathy from world.
6. Does court think that Alaudeen Shaik, was one day in a taxi and thought of fooling Kayani and another Lawyer for $400,000.00. A BIG NO NO !! Courts have to see whose back ground fits more for the Job and a full PUBLIC trial should be ordered for this matter. Some Lawyers in Canada think they are running the country as Lawyer are trusted and protected too much in Canada as saints.
Junaid Kayani is such a person with my first-hand experience with him that, "He can take CN Tower for Ontario Government for free one day".
TD Bank should investigate this to full degree and does TD Bank think some person like Alaudeen Shaik, can legally think through this possibly fraud. Was Alaudeen Shaik a real person, was Alaudeen Shaik may be ( Mr Bhatti or Mr. X ) a person that was used by some one like a smart Lawyer and paid off some monies.
1. It would be wise to put people on Lie Detector Tests.
2. Possibly, Mr. K, took the money and was main player to fool Banks and every one.
3. Why would, some from non-Hindu background to make a company with Hindu Name. This clearly shows that this was a well-thought fraud and has a smell of Junaid Kayani as the key person behind this whole sham. JUNAID WILL SELL CN TOWER TO IMRAN KHAN FOR FREE.
4. I can also almost Guarantee, TD Canada, that Alaudeen Shaik is also a pawn or a friend or Junaid Kayani himself in this game of Junaid Kayani.
5. Have never seen a Pakistan Origin Person with a name, like Alaudeen Shaik, make a company with Hindu name ( Nithiyakalyaani Jewellers ), this was a planned fraud and possibly by Mr. K from step 1 to step 10. " Kalyani " means Kalyan to do good with feminine flavor. "Nithiya" means
dance or every day in South India or in Sri Lanka. No Pak Person will possibly, ever, name a company as NithiyaKalyaani unless he knew things will happen as calculated.
6. This is what was done - Junaid took the money from this fake company account and put it in his Pakistan Accounts. Mr. Kayani is fooling everyone and is very sad that I was not given a trial when I asked for it or Judges would have more ideas about this person's behavior for free monies.
7. Banks don't do the conversion, it was not converted from one currency to another. Even using the term conversion is a very smart way of Junaid Kayani to fool not just a Judge but a complete Canadian Legal System and global Banking System. By using term conversion Mr. Kayani is fooling these poor innocent Judges as if Metal was converted into parts.
7.1 If Mr Kayani, would have said I deposited draft without checking from a company I did not know or usually we take wire but in this case I agreed to take Draft. Then I went to a teller I use to buy coffee all the time and told em to not to put an hold and then it was bouncy bouncy draft. Then Judges would have told Mr. Kayani turn around and let me kick on your back.
7.2 No he used a term called conversion. Like he bribed a slim and poor white lady in the Land Titles offices to put a note on my title when the original note was not registered and thrown out. This poor lady that works in Land Title offices, i met her personally and was very scared and their offices said that note if not right and not per the law and they do not know why that employee put it without any reason.
7.3 When Mr. Kayani, went to the bank did he say I want to convert this draft to the teller or did he just deposit it. No bank every converts monies unless cash.
8. Conversion means you have no account in the Bank and you walk with $10000 cash. Ask banks to convert the $10000.00 Canadian, into USD or Euros. Or you walk in Bank give them Cash and Buy Gold. Depositing a fake check or not fake check, is a 100% liability of Junaid Kayani, he is wasting time of the courts and further fooling the system, by drafting very tricky words to fool innocent Judges. ALL TO AVOID HIS JAIL TERM SO HE IS NOT LINKED AS THE MAIN CRIMINAL IN THIS MATTER.
9.Junaid Kayani is using terms in front of Judges that do not understand banking like they did in my case by talking about repairs in house when nothing was done. Courts of Appeal did the right thing and made a decision for the matter in proper way in TD vs Kayani. In my case my A-hole lawyer ( Harjaap Mann of Mann Law ) lied in the Courts of Appeal, when they 3 Judges asked him did the other party walk out of the contracts.
8. If funds are deposited into accounts then how it be fictions. " (5) Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer."
Junaid Kayani, will take CN Tower for free one day also, if Canadian Judges do not open eyes to level of fraud these people commit and have done to many people, the will make CN tower fictitiously sold by a seller who no longer exists.
This complete Fraud ( of taking free property ) is done by Junaid Kayani and if I am given a chance i want to interview him on the TV about this matter also.
These people know like Kayani know how to pretend to be innocent lamb, while in reality they are the fox creating the whole drama and wasting TD Canada and Superior Courts of Ontario's time.
Master in Fooling Indian's, will only do such to non-pakistani person in Canada. Change dates. Forge Signature. Write Pages of contract per desire. He will do any thing for his Pakistani Brothers. IN Canada System does not care how team of people fool others. Even is stated in black and white to the Justice that pages were modified and no payments were made.
Master in Fooling Canadian Justice System and Judges, a Criminal, rather a Lawyer per my experience with Junaid Kayani, and motivated to bring down possibly, non-pakistani's people in Canada. Junaid Kayani of Pakistan Origin and all his Realtor, buyers are from His area of Origin.
A simple sellers, home is scooped by this Lawyers and that seller is not given any monies and instead a big legal fight.
Junaid Kayani abuses, his rights as a Lawyers in Canadian Society. Will scoop your house for free along with his group of realtors like Adnan Hashmi and Azeem Bhatti, without your knowing any thing.
They are lucky to be in Canada, where judges do not care about such crime. Any other proper democratic country that gives trial if asked. Junaid would be sitting in jail for 5 years.
Come in front of a TV or Group of people in a meeting and lets do question and answer, but can you do this ?
But will a fraud come to answer the queries? .
- Only People with integrity will come forward for an open TV session or recorded meeting that can be broadcast over YOUTUBE.
This lawyers has friends like Azeem Mohammad Bhatti, that pretend to buy house via agents, like Adnan Hashmi, show them wrong documents and tell em the house is sold. All people are from Pakistan and Junaid Kayani is listed in Muslim lawyers directory. He fakes dates and fakes documents other pages then then the once that were signed. He knows in Canada the law is easy to fool. So easy that one day these group will over take the complete system. Hindu Lawyer or Sikh Lawyer will never do such illegal works for this client. Junaid Kayani is either gang leader or there is some other reason. The real reason will come out in A TRIAL. No one in the whole wide world dares to take things without paying. I am not sure about Canada or Pakistan. But in India, China, France, Europe or USA, such garbage things and garbage thought does not exist. TRUST AGREEMENT WAS 10 PAGES - with most crossed over - First Page is all done and cover letter should be called " Halal Letter " from a Pakisani to a Sikh from India. - urge every Indian that , this gang is cutting necks of Indians in Canada. 1. Junaia Kayani and Raza Kayani - Lawyers 2. Azeem Bhatti 3. Adnan Hashmi - Realtors ,Tariq chaudhry real estate
4. PLUMBER and electricians and other agents all from Lahore. 5. A complete very aware group of people from Lahore.
Canada will slowly but surely become infected by " Pakistan-ism " sooner or later. Pay to poor employees and get things done.
When Mohammad Azeem, Madaar Chod approached Junaid Kayanai Maadaar Chod, he should have told his client tell other party to get a Lawyer or write a letter to other party and start a legal battle on March 2009. No they wanted to kill time and value of land go up and since they have PAID nothing, they have nothing to loose. SO why start a battle in March 2009.
Their game was to start battle down the road when the equity is high, as its was now time to fool people from India, in Pakistani style. JUNAID KAYANI MASTER TRICK IS SOME HOW SHOW TO EVERY ONE - CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACKNODGLEMENT PAPERS
- how can this junaid be my lawyer when i did not hire him, plus on a day when I was not in country.
- Junaid Kayani, knows he is robbing some one so he sneaked in conflict of interest papers or signed them himself to protect himself.
- Lets say he did what he did, ACTION speak louder than words.
- No documents allows a lawyers to lie and steal goods from his client or force sale of goods without payments. When Junaid knew the contract was done on the 9th Jan 2009, he changed the date to Jan 01, 2009. An email was sent to him for the non-payments by his client and yet he wrote what he willed in the first page of the contracts.
Its very easy for a third world country born Lawyer to use their scams in Canada to take over people Goods for free in Ontario, Canada.
Just Count same money 4 times no one in the Ontario, Canada courts cares about how many times such money has been counted again and again. Make contract and not pay and show same money $4000 as $16000, by counting it four times.
And this $4000.00 is also not the monies of Azeem, but what he collected from tenants and swore to Lawyer David Lipkus .
What is the use your being lawyer when you are going to fraud people that are high school and abuse the rights with your education. Such low life lawyers are the one that bring name of every lawyers down. DONT PAY THE SELLER for the contract but PAY THE LAWYERS TO TAKE A SELLER TO COURTS THAT HAS NOT BEEN PAID MONEY AND COURTS WILL THINK WHY IS THIS "BUYER - PERSON\' SPENDING SO MUCH TO BRING SOME ONE TO COURTS, THEY MUST HAVE PAID. COURTS DO NOT EVEN CHECK IF ANY MONIES HAVE BEEN PAID OR NOT PER THE CONTRACTS. These people are such a big lier's that no one in the world can be such big lier's for little bit of monies. They know Canadian Court System - thanks to collective experience of Master Con Artist Lawyer's - Arif Raza, Junaid Kayani, Said Mohammdally. These people know to what extend a Judge can think and they do all paper works to fool best of the best Judge's in Courts. In fact judges will only see what these people wish them to see unless there is an Trial. Only and Only trial will bring the truth of such people to the light. New Laws have been introduced in Canada, that are not per the "sale of goods act". I would suggest every one simple minded people should never trust people from a group that try to take the rights via their knowledge. Some people from a Group ( say Pakistan ) are much much more smarter than regular Indians. Masters in fooling and using people as they know what kindda people to pray upon and how. They know how not to pay money and own your properties. Most Number of People on welfare in Developed World happen to be from Nation of such Groups. A great society should always be open to go bottom of every matter via trials and or open trials or even a mini Trial. Junaid Kayani, bore false witness against me. Junaid Kayani conspired against me. Is it a passenger fault where a pilot flies you to say Jamaica when the flight is suppose to go to London, like it Happened in Malaysia Airlines MH370 TRAIL and only TRIAL bring's out the truth when there are issues and contradictions in any matters.
- Azeem Bhatti called me to the offices of his friend Junaid Kayani, stating lets go to this offices. Junaid Kayani preplanned an agreement where he asked to sign a bunch of papers saying its for Azeem to buy shares. ELEPHANT HAS DIFFERENT TEETH TO SHOW AND DIFFERENT TO EAT. THIS IS WHAT AZEEM AND JUNAID TO AS A TEAM.
- Never responded to me email back when I walked out of his offices on the 23rd of March 2014. Eva in his offices is proof of this matters. Show this and do something else.
- Azeem walks out in writing that he wants nothing from the house as he can not pay his dues and 20 months later from a post offices in Cox-well and Gerrard area while Lawyers offices is in Mississauga mails a letter with front page all forged and changed wording on a cancelled contracts.
- Lied that I came to his offices on the March 30th, 2009. When I was actually on the way to Asia. Lied the first pages of the contracts paperworks with all kinds of self serving words.
- Stole my rights, by helping his friend Azeem Bhatti an non-paying buyer. Made me sign bunch of papers and then in courts showed a two page agreements. On the third and last pages I had written per the Jan 09, 2009 contracts. This guy is master con artist. A great master of masters.
- Stated to Law Society that his client and myself were buying a property, which is not the case per the Jan 09, 2009 contracts.
- Azeem Muhammad Bhatti, use to clean my snow to suck up to me
- Azeem begged me few times for Job and works
- Azeem has no credibility as this person did not have even money to pay half of the due amounts
- Azeem Muhammad Bhatti, wrote in black and white he wants nothing from the property as he has no monies to pay, when asked to pay dues and was not able to and then comes back via courts in few years.
There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
—Proverbs 6:16–19
Proverbs 19:5
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.
Proverbs 19:9
New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish.
13.a) Defendant Mr. Bhatti first made a declaration and signed affidavit to
Lawyer David S. Lipkus that is marked as, Mr. Bhatti took,
“ A. SINGH to His Lawyers offices in July or August of 2009 and asked his
Lawyer to Junaid Kayani to charge on the Subject Property “.
Below is Insert from 11-November-2011 sworn affidavit of Mr. Bhatti
13.b) Then Defendant saw that Mr. SINGH, has all the email records since 2009.
Mr. Bhatti now went to a new Lawyers by the name of SONI law offices, who
further served courts documents to Mr. SINGH on the 7th night for a hearing for the 8th of August in
which they made fake statements and fake Instrument Number PR1622023 and
dates just to fool Justice Snowie, so to Justice Snowie all looks legitimate and
Below is insert from sworn affidavit of Mr. Bhatti from his filing for August 2012.
13.c) Mr. SINGH only went to offices of Junaid once on March 23rd and 20
Months later a letter was posted from a coxell post offices while Junaid Kayani’s
Offices is in Mississauga, Ontario
- Never ever, ever trust when approached by few Fanatics for any financial matters as they will stab you in back, specially if you are from India background. They work in tight gangs, from lawyers, to real estate agents both side and buyers.
- Protect your self, get a proper Canadian born Lawyer's or few witnesses for any dealing with them.
- These people know law too much and share experience of legal matters with each other. So they are have 100's of years of shared experience to back them and they know how things will turn from step 1 to step 10.
For any Foreign Educated Lawyers the - Litmus test is passing the LSAT. Litmus test is making a lawyer as filtered as a doctor. A doctor from India or Pakistan has to go through very retraining and same per my thinking should also be for a lawyers Junaid Kayani, signs dates stating that you were in his offices, when one was not. I never told me to get a lawyer and fooled me and gave me a hard life and torture for years. Does not ever tell you to get another lawyer as he is in a conflict of interest. An average people can not fight them in courts as they will not have monies and hence these people will take people's properties for free. Take over people's properties for free, dont pay rent, dont pay down payments, don't pay the mortgage, dont get a mortgage, dont do anything and walk away from the contract.
Ontario Bills of Sale Act, RSPEI 1988. Asks a buyer to buy a property in full before it ends up to be theirs. These people do not pay a penny.
There are honest people also in world like a Spanish Man and thieves like Azeem Bhatti Mohammad that are looking to take things for free and not pay: Spanish man turns in lost winning lottery ticket worth $6.3 million
Azeem Bhatti, will first buy with confirmed mortgage and then rent your house once you are out and then try to buy shares via their lawyers and not pay a penny. Will this would have happened:
If Adnan Hashmi did not approach me as a agent for selling and then only purposefully bringing Azeem Bhatti as buyer.
Or Junaid Kayani was not the laywer that made forged documents, forged authority letter and where azeem dragged me to his offices to visit.
Or Tariq Chaudhary ( realtor ) not tell me that his client will pay me $2000 and then $1000 for such long delays of holding properties.
These people used amazing ways,words to get the shares in property for nothing. A very very amazing group of people in real estate crimes.
But all these low life thieves are not men as they are not willing to come forward for a trial.
The truth will come out only if Trial is given.
2. Adnan, only Brought, Azeem as buyer for over a years. Then
Azeem purchased the house with confirmed papers from Banks and then said they are backing out and went for a rental contract and once a rental contract was signed with Azeem. Adnan Hashmi, bring 10+ people to view property in 2 weeks. Why did this Adnan Hashmi not bring 10+ people to view house in one week when he listed my house and why only his friend Azeem Bhatti was brought again and again. 3. Very organized group of people all from same background. Lawyer fake and forgery master - Arif Raza and Junaid Kayani, construction invoices all fake with no works done, real estate people all helping each other from same back ground. 4. Rest of Canada needs permit to do works, these people need no permits to do any thing in the house. So they can make fake construction invoices.
Is this a group of people becoming ( or are ) organized criminals?
A Singh |
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hi have taken 500 pounds in UK and few more from the account let me know once the balance of the 5k is in ,, thanks
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I put 2k already.2K more will deposit coming Monday. When are you coming back; let me know.Nothing important. Thanks Azeem
50 Burnhamthorpe Rd W Sussex Centre Ste #102
Mississauga, ON, L5B 3C2, Canada
(905) 277-0771
" Should conveyancing solicitors act for both parties? Published 04 May 07 10:21 AM | Peter Mericka Tim O'Dwyer M.A., LL.B
Solicitor Consumer Advocate watchdog@argonautlegal.com.au The simple answer to the above question is no. But I guess many of us will, from time to time, act for both parties in conveyancing transactions. And, frankly, many of us will continue to do so until the governments in our various states and territories legislate against this practice to properly protect conveyancing consumers. Our professional and industry bodies may skirt around the edges with cautious codes of conduct, but sooner or later, the law makers will have to step in and outlaw what we collectively can't or won't. In the meantime, our indemnity insurers insurers may, by various persuasive ways and means, more effectively bring about the end of this lucrative but risky practice long before it becomes illegal. There will be many times when you should refuse referrals from sources such as real estate agents, other conveyancers and solicitors, and old clients because of actual or potential conflicts of interests. No solicitor (or conveyancer) can be independent if he or she is recommended in that way, particularly if the referral comes from the real estate agent.
Every problem a positive and forward looking society shall use as an opportunity to create a betterment for its people. This NEW system will be, that any shares from land being "sold by and to any person in trust or any agreements" shall only be done by designated lawyers or motor vehicle registration, Offices. Buyer and sellers shall be given a confirmation of their action via the Government of Canada, registry system with a licence looking picture and information as certificate of their land transfer. With in 48 hours of such action. What Azeem and Junaid did to me is best way to get lots of properties in Canada without: 1. Listing your name on the property. 2. Reaping all the benefits as other party can wait many years even after stating that they do not want any thing from property. 3. Without paying any dues 4. No need to get mortgage, so any kind of credit person can get a house. 5. There is no liability of bad credit, failing to pay taxes, getting tenants or even any repairs. 6. While the owners of such properties can not get another property as they are stuck with the loan's where as such people like Azeem can own 1000's of properties with no restrictions. 7. This is a very well thought system by team of very crook people, that know how to avoid a trial as they just pressure one point, did u sign this did u sign this etc. Own the house and not pay the mortgage, no headache of mortgage, it's like you own Mercedes because you paid down payments and no monthly payments.
- MAY 2009 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING IS WRITTEN IN AZEEM BHATTI'S HANDWRITING ABOVE. THE RIGHT PORTION ABOUT BALANCE IS WRITTEN IN MR SINGH's handwriting. all noted the by Number is written By Azeem in May 2009 to explain what he has done till now and how he feels that he has paid till may 2009 22,000 out of the 32500 in total, this note was written in presence of the realtor.
I walked out with 2 copies, one with and one without,this copy with no signature and 2 other copies were signed and handed over to the parties
One lawyer should not sign contract for both parties, and shall ask the other party that is not their client to get another lawyers and there should be no exception to this rule. LETS SAY THIS LAWYER WAS HONEST FOR ONE MIN .1. Why did he not ask me get a retainer and give me a contract for his services .2. Why did he show me that yes his client has to pay you mortgage on the second page of so called trust agreements. .3. Why did he set date to 30th of the march, when I was at his offices on the 23rd only. .4. Why did he mail the documents in the month of October 2009, after Azeem had exited the contracts. 10 months later. .5. Why did he add paragraphs on the pages him self .6. Why did he not give me copy of the paperwork's. .7. In trial all the truth will come out as there are many more WHY's. .8. Azeem lured me to the offices of Junaid Kayani and Kayani stole. Like doctors in Asia that lure people to thier offices and steal their body party. .9. Greed and that's all. Greed of Azeem and Greed of Junaid Kayani the lawyers to steal things. Lawyers Junaid asked total monies ever given by azeem for any thing to me:
lean amount can be 5000 +3200 + 4000+ recipts of consturction |
In order to prove negligence, a person must have had a duty of care, which means a responsibility to act in the best interest of another. There must also have been a breach of this duty. This breach is the cause of the harm, resulting in actual physical, financial, or emotional damages. In most countries, negligence is a civil wrong, so a plaintiff or person bringing a lawsuit must show it was more likely than not that these things occurred.
The Star analyzed every discipline case of lawyers sanctioned by the Law Society of Upper Canada between 2003 and 2013. We characterized offences using appropriate criminal terms, including theft (described by the law society as “misappropriation” or “misapplication”), fraud, forgery and breach of trust as worthy of a criminal investigation.
There were 236 cases that fit this description.
Collectively, we found these lawyers were responsible for misusing client funds by stealing, defrauding, failing to account, overdrawing, and improperly dispersing, among other law society classifications, to the tune of $61,457,642.
To find out if these lawyers ever faced criminal charges or served jail time, we scoured court decisions, law society disciplinary records and media reports. We also consulted the Ministry of the Attorney General and several police forces. The law society would not say if it keeps track of the number of lawyers who have faced criminal charges in relation to their practices.
We could find criminal charges for 41 lawyers disciplined by the law society, fewer than one in five. Of those, we could find reports of jail sentences for 12.
Have you complained to the Law Society? His former partner Tariq Shah was suspended by them a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteYes we have contacted the Law Society and they are looking into this matter and its a very lengthy process.
ReplyDeleteLaw Society should rename it self as Lawyers Protection Society. If in this world you do not belong to some gang or another no one protects you.
ReplyDelete1 See Kayani LLP v The Toronto-Dominion Bank, 2014 ONCA 862 ("Kayani"), rev'g 2013 ONSC 7967.
ReplyDelete2 Boma Manufacturing v Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, [1996] 3 SCR 727 at para 31 ("Boma"); 373409 Alberta Ltd (Receiver of) v Bank of Montreal, 2002 SCC 81 ("373409") at para 8.
3 Bills of Exchange Act, RSC 1985, c B-4.
4 Boma, supra note 2.
5 2012 ONCA 17 ("Rouge Valley").
6 2012 ONCA 17 at para 30, citing to a passage from The Law of Banking and Payment in Canada
7 Rouge Valley, supra note 5 at para 34.
8 Kayani, supra note 1 at para 40, citing Royal Bank of Canada v. Concrete Column Clamps (1961) Ltd, [1977] 2 SCR 456 at 472.